Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Witness for the Prosecution

Witness for the Prosecution Nancy HallMs. FieldsEng. 091 (9:25am-10:40am)September 24, 2014"Witness for the Prosecution'The movie 'Witness for the Prosecution is based on a play, written by Agatha Christie (1891-1976). Both are a good read/watch that will keep you guessing what's going to happen next. Who killed Emily French? A wealthy middle aged woman. But there's many differences in the two!Sir Wilfrid Robarts is a stubborn man in both play and movie. Whereas in the movie he's on his way home, with his nurse Miss Plimsoll. Recovering from a heart attack, Sir Wilfrid is asked to defend Leonard Stephen Vole. The prime suspect in the murder case of Emily French. Leonard is a charming man, having his way with women. Only problem is he's a married man but Emily doesn't know that. She falls for him, making a new well leaving 80,000 pounds to him, in her death.Cropped screenshot of Tyrone Power from the traile...He is arrested and charged with the murder of Emily. Swearing his innocence. And that his wife would tes tify on his behalf. And clear him in both play and movie.Right when you think Leonard is innocent, Sir Wilford interviews Christine, a German lady, which seems to want Leonard to stay in jail for the murder in the movie. In the play she doesn't care and seems to be telling the truth but confused. In the movie she dresses like another woman to give evidence to save her husband and that she really loves him.Only to find out in the end that everything you thought you knew was wrong. He isn't innocent like I thought, Christine isn't guilty! Leonard's girlfriend comes in and he pretty much laughs in everyone's face. Leonard is the killer and Christine (heartbroken), grabs a knife and kills Leonard.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Sample

Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Sample Genetic Engineering Ethics Essay Genetic engineering is the integration between biological and engineering applications that the population does not recognize up to this day. This is because it is a profession that does not show their process in the public due to the issue of morality and ethical jurisprudence. However, most companies utilize genetic engineering as a way to modify the food source to become productive. These are companies who are engaged in the production of food products to supply the growing number of consumers with perishable items. Genetic engineering is considered important because of the functionality and existence help to sustain the survival of organisms such as humans and animals. The practice of genetic engineering is widely applied to manufacturing plants where they integrate the use of technology with biological life. You may not be aware that the food that you consume on a daily basis is manufactured using genetic engineering applications. One example is instant foods that are packed in plastic, box, or cans that are usually available in supermarkets or grocery stores in your area. Processed meats are also considered genetically engineered because it used numerous experimentation applications by scientists and researchers to improve the quality of taste as well as its effect on the body. The reason behind is that companies want to prevent any risk for safety for all consumers who want to try their product. Fast food companies are heavy users of genetic engineering because the majority of their food is genetically engineered by their production facilities. One reported scenario is when there is one fast food chain that is producing chickens with three pairs of legs to ensure the growing demand of the population around the world. Genetic engineering has been under criticism due to their practice of modifying organisms. The main critic is the church, which rejects the practice of genetically modified organisms because it violates the principles of morality. Modification of organism for food has been questioned because it portrays the credibility of the company for promoting products that are naturally grown. In this case, the value of modified organism that is sold for food or items that support physical activity is sometimes denied by conservative government institutions. All organisms should not be artificially grown because it destroys the essence of promoting a product that is made up of artificial mixtures. Sometimes, companies who are involved in genetic engineering practice to their products are summoned for inquest proceedings by the lawmakers of a certain country to determine if there are laws that were violated for modifying products with artificial materials. In the present era, genetic engineering may not be a comfortable topic for the general public because it generates debate. This is because conservative groups reject the concept about modifying the natural elements of our environment. However, with the rising population and the growing need for space, genetic engineering helps to sustain humanity’s survival. This is because genetic engineering might be the answer for the growing scarcity of resources that are responsible for depleting the food supply around the world. Underdeveloped countries are unable to provide food for their community due to the lack of natural resource to feed its population. With the existence of genetic engineering, it can help save our environment by allowing an additional source of food supply to prevent hunger and famine that impacts the health and longevity of the population (Pollack, 2015). Genetic engineering is applied in the pharmacological industry wherein medical practitioners are aiming to find a cure to a certain disease. Vaccination is a clear product of genetic engineering because it values the significance of finding a new solution to improve the quality of life for every patient. When there are new medications that are now being processed, medically tested, and approved, it becomes a commodity in the market so that people can have an access to the newly formulated medication to improve their health care status. In medicine, the creation of modified structure through the creation of new medicine aims to prevent the spread of a disease that is considered deadly and potentially hazardous to the population. Although it is challenged by the warriors of conservativism, genetics still continue to incorporate scientific studies and experimentation to benefit the interest of the population. In order to understand the mechanics of genetic engineering, it is important to learn more about the function of this particular application. The reason behind is to orient the public regarding the benefits of this application that can provide a justifiable functionality in the future. Genetic engineering is a product of human’s critical decision-making process to ensure that the safety of the public is always ensured. The general goal of genetic engineering is the sustainability of every individual to live a longer life. Even if there are challenges that are stressed by interest groups, genetic engineering still proves that there is more beneficial impact that it produced rather than risking the lives of the public. If there are violations committed by companies using genetic engineering to their consumers or interest groups, then the local government unit can apprehend the situation. Reference Pollack, Andrew (2015).  Genetically Engineered Salmon Approved for Consumption.  The New York Times.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pearl Harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pearl Harbor - Essay Example The American never thought that Japan was capable of performing such an act. However, rumours of Japan’s surprise mass attack had been reported but were not taken seriously. (Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, 2000) The answer I think it was the former, though the strategy was a good one it had completely gone wrong. Now you may ask why? The Japanese had developed the technology, attack strategy and skills to successfully accomplish the impossible as they had been planning this for at least six months prior to the main attack. The Japanese had good defensive plans against the US. Such as fortifying individual islands with troops, reinforcing air squadrons and also they kept a large fleet to retaliate in case the US attacked. So what went wrong? Its simple, the Japanese became over confident and they changed their plans and instead implementing this defensive plan they went further to attack the US Midway. It turned into a big disaster and the Japanese lost a huge number of their carriers and thus with their naval and air forces which were in a weak situation now, they could not resist the American troops and they reached the Japanese air space itself. Another factor of this raid to go wrong was that the commander of the Japanese fleet became nervous and he aborted the third strike attack of the two which had already taken place, which was aimed at the oil supplies and repair facilities of the US fleet. If this had taken place then the US would have had a difficult time in retaliating. The attack plan of the Japanese would require the loss of one –third attacking force of the planes and two carriers. Another problem was of refuelling the planes over the pacific and also fixing of wooden fins on naval torpedoes so as to stabilize them in shallow waters. (Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, 2000) Many messages were dispatched about the movements of the Japanese fleet but the American ignored them as they thought a formal war declaration would

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critique of practice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critique of practice - Case Study Example Aside from taking the responsibility of looking after her health, she has to deal with the problem of looking for a place to stay where she can effectively keep herself clean and avoid possible relapses. Her background shows that she was close to her father, who died of AIDS at the age of 68. Her mother neglected and abused her. She has sisters who all live in Tallahassee. Generally looking at the environment she grew up in, it is clear that there was not enough moral and emotional support from her family. The lack of guidance from her parents and the kind of relationship she had with them may have led her to resort to drugs and alcohol. She began drinking at the age of 12 and smoking Crack at the age of 28. Although she does not like the environment, the client feels safe living with her boyfriend. However, this uneasiness with her surrounding creates possibilities and risks of her relapsing again. Although she luckily receives help from her friends and from their church, it seems that the client needs more help than what is already given her. She claims she believes in and follows the 12-step program and attends Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. The client's major concerns include preventing relapses, dealing with her alcohol and drug dependency and staying in a decent house. Of these, her primary complaint is how to avoid further relapses from happening. This complaint was conveyed through a discussion, which was a slow transition from general information to more specific details. It started out with the client's narration of her present life circumstance, and it narrowed down to the things that bother her the most. The agency involved is St Luke's Recovery Treatment Center which offers several health-related services such as assessment and referrals, psychiatric services, and health care. The agency also conducts recreational activities, relapse prevention workshops, crisis intervention, and spiritual counseling and observances, and other religious services in collaboration with some organizations like Catholic Charities. The program most applicable and helpful to the client is the one offered for alcohol- and drug-dependent individuals. This program includes providing residence for the client, day treatment, outpatient, prevention and aftercare (St. Luke's Addiction Recovery Center, n.d.). The interventions include mental counseling, spiritual healing, health screening and monitoring, and crisis interventions. Since the agency focuses and aims at empowering individuals to cope with their problems and provides programs that assist clients in jumpstarting better lifestyles and personal growth, it helps a lot in dealing with the client. Except for minor problems with the schedule (insufficient time allotted for discussions), there were no other hindrances in working with the agency since they have a similar goal of making the client's situation better. After several sessions of speaking with the client and her concerns, several plans

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The social and historical influence Essay Example for Free

The social and historical influence Essay Look at the significance of chapter 5 to the novel as a way to focus on the relevance and effect of the writers use of language to describe setting and characters and what it shows about the social and historical influence? This novel is about an extremely intelligent doctor called Victor Frankenstein who used his knowledge of science to find a way of keeping people alive. Mary Shelleys plot must have been influenced by the changes that were happening around her in Britain during the early stages of the industrial revolution. Scientists at this time were investigating the meaning of life. They were using corpses in experiments. She appears to have a great understanding of the scientific discoveries of that time. Behind the writing is a deeper meaning. Mary Shelley is trying to show us how an addiction to anything is not natural and very often dangerous to our well-being and to our social and mental health. Chapter 5 is a crucial moment because this is when the monster is brought to life. Mary Shelleys opening sentence of chapter 5 is Dr Frankenstein telling us It was a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. He goes on to say It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes. The dismal setting contrasts with Dr Frankensteins expectation and anxiety he is feeling just moments before his creation is brought to life. This setting and events causes us to be alarmed and scared because we start imagining what it would be like to be in his position. He then tells us The monsters dull yellow eye opens and it begins to breathe. We would think that he is pleased that he has succeeded in what he set out to do but he straight away is horrified at his creation and what it has turned out to look like. He expresses his negative feelings many times, such as breathless horror and disgust filled my heart and the demonical corpse to which I had so miserably given life. This shows us that the social influence of looks was as great then as it still is in 2009. Dr Frankenstein is distraught about how his creation looks rather than thinking about the feat he has just achieved, I find it puzzling that he is shocked by its image only after the creature has been brought to life, even though he could have seen what it would look like when it was on the operating table. I believe that this shows Dr Frankenstein was so caught up by the science involved with making this being that he was blind to the obvious This is backed by him saying I had selected his features as beautiful this shows us he genuinely thought it was beautiful when it was being made. This chapter shows us that social influences are similar to that we experience today. Through out the novel Mary Shelly uses language to change the atmosphere. This is most present in chapter 5 in which the monster is born and Dr Frankensteins mood changes from a rather exited one to one of bitter disappointment and then again to cowardice before becoming rather animated at the arrival of Clerval. There is much emphasis on description. Dr Frankenstein describes in great detail the evening, the monster and his changing feelings towards his project. His language is often overdramatic and emotional. At length lassitude succeeded to tumult I had before endured, and I threw myself on the bed in my clothes, endeavouring to seek a few moments of forgetfulness, here he is using descriptive words that would not commonly be used today, this reminds us that this novel was written in the 1800s. Shelley writing style is very catching. I believe this is because she isnt writing as a watcher but as a character. This gives us the best view because we know the characters feeling as well as knowing what they dont, this can leave the reader frustrated, worried, scared, and hopeful such as at the end of chapter five when Clerval arrives and Victor has his nervous breakdown. This is evident when victor imagines what could happen. Clerval asks My dear Victor, what, for Gods sake, is the matter? Do not laugh in that manner. How ill are you! What is the cause to all this? To which Victor replies Do not ask me, He can tell. Oh save me! Save me! All this while Frankenstein had been fighting an invisible monster, had Clerval known like us about the monster many people could have been saved. In conclusion I think Mary Shelley produced a novel that was frighteningly believable. I believe that this book shows us that social influence is massive and Shelley believed that one-day man would hold the meaning to life not God. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Euthanasia Essay - Assisted Suicide is for Everyone :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide is for Everyone Should Doctors assist their patient's death? The doctors' obligation is to provide every possible support during the process of dying. Do doctors have the right to hasten the process, when requested to do so? There has been a great deal of discussion over this topic for the past few years. For many years now, assisted suicide has been a debated topic of who believes in it and who does not. The Christian faith disagrees in the act of assisted suicide. "This religion teaches redemptive suffering. God sends suffering as a means of washing away people's sins and saving their souls. It is believed that people can be blessed if they endure their misery." Islam has a similar belief of the Christian faith. They believe assisted suicide is an account of murder. In some countries, the patient who committed suicide, and the physician, or doctor that assisted the patient, should both go to hell. "We don't own ourselves, we are entrusted to God and the taking of life is the right of the one who give it." There are also many cultures that believe in this act of dying. Certain cultures believe that they have the right to end a person's life, only if the person is suffering with an illness that will only get worse. "In China and some parts of India, it is an ancient custom to drown newborn girls if they think they will live a useless life." The Dutch believe in the act of assisted suicide as many other religions. They believe that it is easier to end a life so the family and the other people will not have to go through all the suffering and pain. Many Physicians today believe that assisted suicide is the answer to end all the pain and suffering in the world. Dr. Peter Admirral is a physician that is known for ending more than one hundred lives in less than thirty years. "The emotion is what you prescribed or what you have injected will cause the patient to die. Its so opposite to normal feelings of a doctor that you have to go through a period of resisting this.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Materials and Methods

All of these Jobs were processed by a screening tool called the Physical Demands Analysis Worksheet. With this work sheet along with feedback from the worker we were able to determine and make an early hypothesis at the Jobs with the highest biomedical risk. Once the specific risk factors of the job have been identified, we can then use ergonomic analysis tools and guideline comparisons to pacifically quantify the Job demands. The specific analysis tools that we will use to identify the Job stresses are DSSSL, AD Watch. NOSH lift/pull/push equations and table guidelines, Snoop carrying/left/lower/push/pull equations, and the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment.The assumption made when gathering Information on the worker Is to assume all workers have the same/scalar dimensions as the worker being analyzed for this job. For the job demands that require the worker to use low back moments (skate sharpening, boxes off shelf, Winter stagier and skate filter tasks) the analysis tools that will be u sed are DSSSL and AD Watch. The collected data used came from measuring the weights of the objects and subject by a simple weight scale assuming no peculations between loads. Other measuring devices such as measuring tapes to measure distances and heights, galvanometer to measure Joint angles, camera for picture to analyze after work site analysis and force gauge to measure push and pull forces.These models will be used to measure the outputs and compare them to the Action Limits and/or Maximal Permissible Limit. In order to find out which tasks exceed the Action Limits and/or Maximal Permissible Limit of the compression or shear forces along the spine measurements of postures and loads must be collected. Once the data Is collected and calculated the comparison will be between the actual comparison will be between the two Joint models; DSSSL and AD Watch to determine the optimal Joint loads and increase the validity of the results. Shoulder tasks will also be analyzed by the DSSSL f or awkward shoulder movements and postures with loads.Other Job demands(snowboard waxing, boxes off shelf, winter Steiner, Skate Filter-lifting) that require lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying will be calculated using NOSH equations. These calculations require the data collection of the repetition of the task, the distance traveled via pushing/carrying/lifting by using measuring tape, force(load) by using a force gauge or weight scale, and general information about the individual. The comparisons will be between the calculated results and the NOSH and SNOOP guidelines and also a comparison between the woo guidelines. To properly interpret the data to encompass a wide range of workers we will general construct our data for worse case scenarios or for workers of the Male 10th %.Lastly the Rigid Upper Limb Assessment will determine what risks are in upper limbed tasks(skate sharpening, snowboard waxing, winter Steiner, and skate filter tasks) by using Joint angles (measured by gon iometry) and loads (measured by force gauge or weight scales). The comparison is within the assessment based on the resultant number. The purpose of all the assessments is to identify and quantify the risk of injury to understand the location of the risk and therefore investigate possible solutions. When considering our recommendations we will re-assess the risk factors using the same tools for the same Jobs to compare and note improvements. An assumption made for this particular tool is to neglect any lower limb contributions to the risk of injury when performing the tasks. Also another assumption is using this model for non-static work such as snowboard waxing.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Negroponte’s decision to partner with Microsoft Essay

2. Do you agree with Negroponte’s decision to partner with Microsoft? Yes I agree with this decision Negroponte partnerships with companies such as Microsoft, which is very trustworthy, and reliable name in the computer sector for the operating system and software. Nicholas Negroponte, founder and director of the MIT Media Lab, introduced the idea for the $ 100 laptop in 2005. The laptop will be directed towards the child in â€Å"developing countries.† The intent is to help education in those countries. The purpose of this project, to be specific, is â€Å"To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves.† Technical achievement of the laptop project fast-low power requirements, the physical design of all closed to prevent water or sand or dirt damage, open source software [originally, this has since changed], a unique interface, and the possibility for solar and hand-crank powering, and designers who are doing well to achieve their costs disappear. Despite its considerable innovation, or perhaps because of it, the OLPC project has been unable to achieve its $100 targeted cost. The current cost of each unit is listed on the OLPC Website as $199 (www.laptop.org/en/participate/ways-to-give.shtml). However, this does not include upfront deployment costs, which are said to add an additional 5%–10% to the cost of each machine (wiki.laptop.org/go/Larger_OLPC), and subsequent IT-management costs. Nor does it include the cost of teacher training, additional software, and ongoing maintenance and support. OLPC initially required governments to purchase a million units, and then reduced the number to 250,000 in April 2007. Such large purchases are difficult to justify for governments in developing countries, and the requirement was ultimately eliminated. Some countries eventually lost interest due to the higher costs of the XO. For example, Nigeria failed to honor a pledge by its former president to purchase a million units, partly because they no longer cost $100 apiece.21 Meanwhile, other countries, including Libya, have opted for the Intel  Classmate, which is priced at approximately $250 for the PC alone. Officials in Libya, which had planned to buy up to 1.2 million XO laptops, became concerned that the machines lacked Windows, and that service, teacher training, and future upgrades would not be provided directlyby OLPC. Subsidies from Intel, including donated laptops and teacher training, also helped persuade the Libyan government to choose the Classmate. The goal of OLPC is to provide each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop. To this end, we have designed the hardware, software and content for collaborative, fun, and self-empowered learning. One Laptop per Child is not about machines, it’s about movement. to get computers into the hands of children that will help them learn, then â€Å"this is a price worth paying.† Use technology to transform education by bringing connectivity and constructionist learning for poor children around the world, â€Å"said Nicholas Negroponte, founder and chairman of OLPC.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function In economics, a production function is an equation that describes the relationship between input and output, or what goes into making a certain product, and a Cobb-Douglas production function is a specific standard equation that is applied to describe how much output two or more inputs into a production process make, with capital and labor being the typical inputs described. Developed by economist Paul Douglas and mathematician Charles Cobb, Cobb-Douglas production functions are commonly used in both macroeconomics and microeconomics models because they have a number of convenient and realistic properties. The equation for the Cobb-Douglas production formula, wherein K represents capital, L represents labor input and a, b, and c represent non-negative constants, is as follows: f(K,L) bKaLc If ac1 this  production function  has constant returns to scale, and it would thus be considered linearly homogeneous. As this is a standard case, one often writes (1-a) in place of c. Its also important to note that technically a Cobb-Douglas production function could have more than two inputs, and the functional form, in this case, is analogous to what is shown above. The Elements of Cobb-Douglas: Capital and Labor When Douglas and Cobb were conducting research on mathematics and economies from 1927 to 1947, they observed sparse statistical data sets from that time period and came to a conclusion about economies in developed countries around the world: there was a direct correlation between capital and labor and the real value of all goods produced within a timeframe. Its important to understand how capital and labor are defined in these terms, as the assumption by Douglas and Cobb make sense in the context of economic theory and rhetoric. Here, capital indicates the real value of all machinery, parts, equipment, facilities, and buildings while labor accounts for the total number of hours worked within a timeframe by employees. Basically, this theory then posits that the value of the machinery and the number of person-hours worked directly relate to the gross output of production. Although this concept is reasonably sound on the surface, there were a number of criticisms Cobb-Douglas production functions received when first published in 1947. The Importance of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions Fortunately, most early criticism of the Cobb-Douglas functions was based on their methodology of research into the matter- essentially economists argued that the pair did not have enough statistical evidence to observe at the time as it related to true production business capital, labor hours worked, or complete total production outputs at the time. With the introduction of this unifying theory on national economies, Cobb and Douglas shifted the global discourse at it related to micro- and macroeconomic perspective. Furthermore, the theory stood true after 20 years of research when the 1947 United States Census data came out and the Cobb-Douglas model was applied to its data. Since then, a number of other similar aggregate and economy-wide theories, functions, and formulas have been developed to ease the process of statistical correlation; the Cobb-Douglas production functions are still used in analyses of economies of modern, developed, and stable nations around the world.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Serotiny and the Serotinous Cone

Serotiny and the Serotinous Cone Some tree species delay seed fall because their cones are dependent on a brief blast of heat to release seed. This dependency on heat during the seed production cycle is called serotiny and becomes a heat trigger for seed drop that may take decades to occur. Natural fire has to happen to complete the seed cycle. Although serotiny is primarily caused by fire, there are other seed release triggers that may work in tandem including periodic excess moisture, conditions of increased solar heat, atmospheric drying and parent plant death. Trees that have a serotinous tenancy in North America include some species of conifers including pine, spruce, cypress and sequoia. Serotinous trees in the southern hemisphere include some angiosperms like eucalyptus in fire-prone parts of Australia and South Africa. The Process of Serotiny Most trees drop their seeds during and just after the ripening period. Serotinous trees store their seeds in the canopy via cones or pods and wait for an environmental trigger. This is the process of serotiny. Desert shrubs and succulent plants depend on periodic rainfall for seed drop but the most common trigger for serotinous trees is periodic fire. Natural periodic fires occur globally, and on average, between 50 to 150 years. With naturally occurring periodic lightning fires over millions of years, trees evolved and developed the ability to resist high heat and eventually began using that heat in their reproduction cycle. The adaptation of thick and flame-resistant bark insulated the trees internal cells to direct flame and used the rising indirect heat from fire on cones to drop seed. In serotinous conifers, mature cone scales are naturally sealed shut with resin. Most (but not all) seeds stay in the canopy until the cones are heated to 122-140 degrees Fahrenheit (50 to 60 degrees Celsius). This heat melts the resin adhesive, the cone scales open to expose the seed that then drop or drift after several days to a burned but cool planting bed. These seeds actually do best on the burnt soil available to them. The site provides reduced competition, increased light, warmth and a short term increase of nutrients in the ash. The Canopy Advantage Seed storage in the canopy uses the advantage of height and breeze to distribute seed at the appropriate time onto a good, clear seedbed in satiating quantities enough for seed-eating critters. This masting effect increases the predator seed food supply to overabundance. With this abundance of newly added seed along with adequate germination rates, more seedlings than necessary will grow when moisture and temperature conditions are seasonally average or better. It is interesting to note that there are seeds that drop annually and are not a part of the heat-induced crop. This seed leakage seems to be a natural insurance policy against rare seed failures when conditions are adverse just after a burn and result in a full crop failure. What is Pyriscence? Pyriscence is often a word misused for serotiny. Pyriscence is not as much a heat-induced method for plant seed release, as it is an organisms adaptation to a fire-prone environment. It is the ecology of an environment where natural fires are common and where post-fire conditions offer the best seed germination and seedling survival rates for the adaptive species. A great example of pyriscence can be found in a southeastern United States longleaf pine forest ecosystem. This once large habitat is shrinking in size as fire is more and more excluded as land use patterns have changed. Although Pinus palustris is not a serotinous conifer, it has evolved to survive by producing seedlings that go through a protective grass stage. The initial shoot bursts in a brief bushy growth spurt and just as suddenly stops most top growth. Over the next few years, longleaf develops a significant tap root along with dense needle tufts. A compensating resumption of fast growth returns to the pine sapling around age seven.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Relevance of Strategic Management Accounting Essay

The Relevance of Strategic Management Accounting - Essay Example Strategic management can be defined as the process of analyzing various initiatives taken by an organization, involving the resources available to them and performance within their external environments. This is in a bid to realize the mission and vision of the company and its objectives through developing modes of approach that will allow the organization to realize these aspects of its business (Friedl, Hans-Ulrich, & Burkhard, 2005). Management accounting can be described as the use of various accounting information by managers of an organization to assist them in making proper decisions in situations that they may be faced with. Therefore, strategic management accounting can be considered to be a combination of these two ideas whereby management accounting is used to enhance the strategic decision making that takes place in an organization, in a bid to increase the chances of success in a business (Mulcaster, 2009). ... The management processes that take place here deal with handling the organization as a whole, including the various enterprises that it may be involved with. Corporate strategic management accounting involves the handling of all businesses to ensure that there is no enterprise that may be causing the organization to suffer a loss (Friedl, Hans-Ulrich, & Burkhard, 2005). This level of management accounting is handled by the top brass of the organization, and decisions are made by top officials within the organization, such as members of the board of directors with assistance of advisors familiar with the situation that they are facing. Business strategic management accounting – This level of strategic management accounting deals with businesses belonging to an organization on a personal level. This is to say that it handles the management (Mulcaster, 2009) of the various businesses that an organization may be involved with according to the particular needs and situations that t he business may be faced with. This level of strategic management accounting is also handled by top level management, but in this case management is of that particular business such as the company CEO and heads of departments (Armstrong & Greene, 2007). This level of management allows the organization to concentrate on their various enterprises in a manner that allows them to address the various problems that they may face on a one-on-one level that allows the involved parties to figure out the proper solutions needed to take care of the complications that may have arisen (Clinton & Van der Merwe, 2006). This is an essential practice in any organization as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and thus all the enterprises of an